Wednesday, November 10, 2010

a cry day

today i went to school as per normal
i partner with jolene and chloe ....... after that we went up...
to level 4 and we went to computer lab
the teacher tell us that we can check which sSECONDARY
we can choese andand choses our careers lor...
after that is resess then is math lesson ms annisa ask me to go p5oxford
to take the harry potter cd and i never listen porperly
so i go p5oxford take the up cd but they dun want
i go back to my class then i no is harry potter and ms annisa ask me to ask a boy name tis-ter
(i dun no how to spell) to take the folder and i go p5 oxford again i got knock the door
but it is very nosey and i open the door the teacher name ms fatso scold me for
nothing and i go to my class i tell ms annisa and i cry i will alway remember ms annisa say if
somebody scold me for nothing i also will cry then my class went to the hall and see the ms fatso my friend baxton say u want to take revage i say yes cause i saw the ms fatso.....then
is chinese lesson then i went to p5harvard then i went home lor...
then i buy cai rice ,soya bean(drink).and muffins the muffins not nice want lor....
then my grandfather come back and after that i went with my mother go to 7/11
and there nothing to buy lor....then i come back i play computer but i never write blog and i play game i father come and clean the floor and bang bang i though he is angry with me
then went i eat dinner my mother say me wat-lao say say say say go com-pee-ti-tion la?
then i eat dinner aready then i go play com again....................

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