Monday, November 8, 2010

deevapali celebration!!

yohz peeps!!
hehe,today celebrated depavalli in school hall ;))
deepayalli also over liao dk they celebrate fer wad -.-''
hahas,but also fun lah
then,got some bangla ppl come and dance
dk dance until lyk wad lor
then they spin spin spin ==
my friend ziqi their class damn pervert lor.
keep spreading all those dirty thingz -.-
then keep passing paper to Eri
haizxc...forget it lor :))
then after the celebration over,me went homeee xD
bought kui diao and eat :DD
and also bought soya bean!!
nice eh :)
then ziqi come my house LOL
then we go buy toilet paper -.-
so heavy siol
but just take lorh ^^
hahas,then also bought lemon tea
cold cold derhx
then ate sour cream biscuit
lolz,kay t5hats all

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