Friday, September 17, 2010

a busying day

today,i friend zi qi come to house :)and we listen alot of song.And the song is so nice .she do her homework and i do day dreaming i'm so lazy to do my homework? after that we go downstair to buy something to eat we buy bubble tea to but the bubble tea no taste and we buy the  3 kueh and the first one is nice but the 2nd not nice and it so brownine and the last no taste eat le want to throw outand then i and my friend help my mother to do housework and the bed is so heavy until me and my friend also can not carry and then my mother come back follow by my father and mother thank me and my friend for helping her but my father a thank u also dun want to say and when my father mop the floor  he bang the table and chair lor:(he  think he want super man mah?????????/

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