Thursday, December 16, 2010

go out with my grandfather and his girlfriend

on 14/12/10 i woke up then my grandfather ask me want to go out with
him and his girlfriend  i go lor also nothing to do mah
then we take Bus 147 go there when we reach there then go walk walk 
then we saw a shop sell  the bath one then the salegirl tell mine grandfather girlfriend that
the body wash very good one then she buy and still buy two bottle leh
then i grandfather say dont buy some body wash  will very inchy
then never buy lor  then we go another shop to buy the body wash then my grandfather also say dont buy
then we find a place to sit me and my grandfather girlfriend go buy something
then we come back  my grandfather not there my grandfather girlfirnd call him and he say he at the shampoo shop  then they buy the shampoo aready we go mcdonalds eat and sit down at there cuz there have air-con mah then we eat wan aready my grandfather bring me go buy shoes then i try try got one very nice i want my grandfather buy  for me lor then after a while we went home liao lor

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The old fucking man

on 11/12/10 i help my mother change bedsheet then i father
come back lor? he go and kick the mat-ness and pillow i also dun no
wat happen leh?then the next day my mother put $20 to give
me and my brother buy something to eatthen he take leh then go and buy food
then he buy nasi lemak and been boon then only have one chincken weing then me and my brother also one leh but my bother still in the room haven come mah my father ask me eat then u no like that still never mah leh after a while my mother come back aready when i bath my brother say he one to fight with my father but he ren then after that
we go vivo city  then we come back then my grandfather and his girlfriend come back with my father
then my father scold my mother lor then my brother go army mah so i and my mother want to
sleep my brother room mah then my father go to my brother room and sleep lor then still throw are were things in his room lor
when i grow up me and my brother will stay will my  everybody as-set my father the old fucking man will stay at the OLD FOLK HOME.........

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

a cry day

today i went to school as per normal
i partner with jolene and chloe ....... after that we went up...
to level 4 and we went to computer lab
the teacher tell us that we can check which sSECONDARY
we can choese andand choses our careers lor...
after that is resess then is math lesson ms annisa ask me to go p5oxford
to take the harry potter cd and i never listen porperly
so i go p5oxford take the up cd but they dun want
i go back to my class then i no is harry potter and ms annisa ask me to ask a boy name tis-ter
(i dun no how to spell) to take the folder and i go p5 oxford again i got knock the door
but it is very nosey and i open the door the teacher name ms fatso scold me for
nothing and i go to my class i tell ms annisa and i cry i will alway remember ms annisa say if
somebody scold me for nothing i also will cry then my class went to the hall and see the ms fatso my friend baxton say u want to take revage i say yes cause i saw the ms fatso.....then
is chinese lesson then i went to p5harvard then i went home lor...
then i buy cai rice ,soya bean(drink).and muffins the muffins not nice want lor....
then my grandfather come back and after that i went with my mother go to 7/11
and there nothing to buy lor....then i come back i play computer but i never write blog and i play game i father come and clean the floor and bang bang i though he is angry with me
then went i eat dinner my mother say me wat-lao say say say say go com-pee-ti-tion la?
then i eat dinner aready then i go play com again....................

Monday, November 8, 2010

deevapali celebration!!

yohz peeps!!
hehe,today celebrated depavalli in school hall ;))
deepayalli also over liao dk they celebrate fer wad -.-''
hahas,but also fun lah
then,got some bangla ppl come and dance
dk dance until lyk wad lor
then they spin spin spin ==
my friend ziqi their class damn pervert lor.
keep spreading all those dirty thingz -.-
then keep passing paper to Eri
haizxc...forget it lor :))
then after the celebration over,me went homeee xD
bought kui diao and eat :DD
and also bought soya bean!!
nice eh :)
then ziqi come my house LOL
then we go buy toilet paper -.-
so heavy siol
but just take lorh ^^
hahas,then also bought lemon tea
cold cold derhx
then ate sour cream biscuit
lolz,kay t5hats all

Thursday, November 4, 2010

go to 7/11 on (1 novenber 2010)

today i went to 7/11
with my friend ziqi we walk very long lor
than reach then we buy the so call scoop i think is like this spell if wrong sorry
then buy the bee-kit then walk home lor
next time dun need to go so far my friend ziqi house
downstair is going  to sell:)))))))))))))))))))))))))

Friday, October 29, 2010

hates today CCA!!!

WTF!today mr POOH,my CCA cher' annoucced who will be staying in school team.
of course,me dun get to be in.:D\
hates him siol..he purposely said about us who is not gonna stay in school team de lor.
forget it lor (:
then,after recess its my english lesson lo
so boring de...
after that english,its MT lesson liao :(
then math..hehe
then home sweet home
ziqi told me a freaking good news just nao.
her house downstairs is going to open a 7-11 STORE!!
so happy worh.^^
gonna go there everyday for sure!!!
lets hope it will open soon bah (:
k thats all.bye!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

i love song

I LOVE SONG UNTIL I CRAZY......................................